Prairie View Assisted Living Announces New Win-Win Program to Benefit Winnebago High School Sports

WINNEBAGO: April 8, 2021 – Tammy Bargman, Executive Director of Prairie View Assisted Living, has announced the new WIN-WIN program. This program will donate $250.00 to Winnebago High School Athletic Department for each new permanent move into the community. Our newest resident, Marion Sunday will present the first check to Winnebago Quarterback Alec Weavel, #8 and Coach Helm on Saturday April 10th. WINnebago seniors will win because they get to remain living in the community they love while at receiving discrete services and help they need to stay independent.

Prairie View has long enjoyed a close relationship with the local school affording area kids an ongoing opportunity to interact and learn from and about elders. The seniors love the kids and look forward to all of these get-togethers. Many holidays have been celebrated together. Prairie View seniors have attended the Senior Prom at the high school, participated in the Veteran’s Day Breakfast, hosted area kids for Halloween, enjoyed various singing groups from the school as well as offered area kids an opportunity to learn on the job by offering credit for work at the community. This is a WIN-WIN for all.

Prairie View which opened in 2008, is a 30 unit assisted living community located on McNair Road in Winnebago. The community has one- and two-bedroom apartments and offers a cozy residential setting for seniors who are independent but may need some assistance with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, taking medications or preparing meals. It is a viable alternative for seniors who do not need the acute services offered by a nursing home.
Prairie View is a vital member and resource for the local community.

“We have a strong commitment to provide services that will allow long-time residents to remain in the area. Older adults, who have called Winnebago County home, can live, and stay close to family, friends, and the rural countryside they love. Residents can continue to visit their favorite doctors’, churches, banks, restaurants and stores so their lives don’t have to change as they age,” notes Mrs. Bargman. For more information about Prairie View Assisted Living, call 815-335-1800 or visit the website at

Prairie View is managed by Parkside Management Services of Skokie, IL. Parkside is a leading senior housing company with more than 40 years of experience in all aspects of the senior housing industry.

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